In September 2024, amidst the serene setting of Assisi, the 2024 International Advanced School SSI-OS and the 2024 International Workshop CompDSSI brought together a gathering of brilliant minds passionate about structural engineering and seismic analysis. In this video I will let some of the exceptional individuals who graced the event with their expertise, insights, and enthusiasm introduce themselves themselves in their native language. In the last segment you will see the one language we have in common: chaos in friendship and fun.
Here is my list of new colleagues, some have become friends!
Davide Noe' Gorini (Univ. of Trento)
Riccardo Ronci (Univ. Roma, Tor Vergata)
Pedro Arduino (Univ. of Washington)
Ugo Carmando (Univ. of Napoli II)
Agnese Manelli (Sapienza Univ. of Rome)
Enza Zeolla (Univ. del Sannio)
Angela Fiamingo (Univ. of Catania)
Riccardo Martini (Univ. of Ancona)x
Stefania Elia (Univ. of Napoli Federico II)
Antonella Ambrosino (Univ. del Sannio)
Chiara Molinaro (Sapienza Univ Roma)
Giuseppe Lombradi (Sapienza Uni Roma)
Tony Fierro (Univ. del Molise)
Valeria Soto-Moncada (Univ. Paris-Saclay)
Alireza Duzandeh (Univ. of Firenze)
Domenico Gallese (Arup)
Francesca Garbero (Univ. of Pescara)
Stefania Sica (Univ. del Sannio)
Daniela Boldini (Sapienza Univ. of Rome)
Francesca Dezi (Univ. of Camerino)
& more....