Brainery Bytes -- Simulation Basics
Here is a new idea!!
In this space we will publish brief technical content via interactive WebMedia and WebApps on the user-friendly and versatile Jupyter Notebooks.
Jupyter Notebooks are a great medium for interactive development and demonstration.
They are grouped into the following categories:
1. WebApps -- User friendly User Intefaces used to perform a specific task
2. WebDemos -- Documented scripts for proof/explanation of concepts
3. WebSamples -- Examples files to help you get started with fundamentals
4. OpenSeesScript -- Get started or get going with OpenSees right here!
Everyone is welcome to submit content! Please contact me.
Use this WebApp to perform an Elastic Frame Analysis using OpenSeesPy
Developer: Silvia Mazzoni, May 2021
Use this Jupyter Notebook to visualize the behavior of OpenSees Materials.
Silvia Mazzoni
May 2021
Use this Jupyter Notebook to visualize test behavior of an OpenSees Material.
Silvia Mazzoni
June 2021

Get Started OpenSees scripting right here! Choose one:
-Elastic Cantilever Column -- Static Pushover
-Elastic Cantilever Column -- Dynamic Earthquake Ground Motion
-Elastic Portal Frame -- Static Pushover
-Elastic Portal Frame -- Dynamic Earthquake Ground Motion
Silvia Mazzoni
May 2021
Learning about advanced options in OpenSees!
The objective of this workbook is to provide a better understanding of the orientation of the local axes of the zeroLength elements in OpenSees and how to use the -orient option. Two examples are provided: one in 2D and one in 3D
Bijan Sayyafzadeh, Silvia Mazzoni
December 2021