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  • Book your time with Dr. Silvia Mazzoni at the student rate of $50/hr  BOOK NOW

  • Book your time with Dr. Silvia Mazzoni at the professional-consulting rate of $200/hr BOOK NOW

  • Book your time with Prof. Michael Scott:  BOOK NOW

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Silvia Mazzoni, PhD

Michael Scott, PhD

Dr. Silvia Mazzoni has been training OpenSees users for over 20 years. She developed the first OpenSees Days workshops held at UC Berkeley as part of the OpenSees Development Team. In the OpenSees Wiki she wrote the OpenSees User and Examples Manual. As an independent consultant, she now works with Engineering firms in adopting OpenSees into their practice through training and element development. Silvia Mazzoni has opened an On-Line academy for earthquake engineering, Silvia’s Brainery!
Silvia is currently also a Project Scientist and Lecturer at UCLA. Currently, she teaches the graduate course on Structural Dynamics in the Fall.

Michael Scott is a Professor of  Structural Engineering and a core developer of OpenSees.  He wrote and maintains many of the nonlinear element and constitutive models, as well as nonlinear solution algorithms, in OpenSees. He has led sessions at previous OpenSees Days on how to use and develop finite element models.  Michael has also adopted OpenSeesPy, the Python interpreter for OpenSees, in his research and teaching.

© 2020 by Silvia Mazzoni, Silvia's Brainery, Santa Monica, CA

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