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saas-y Apps For EQ Engineering Applications

Software-as-a-service (saas) is the new standard of software licensing: Only Pay for what you use!

I am developing a suite of token-based saas-y web apps. You only pay for what you use, when you use it! You no longer need to purchase a license and maintain/update the software.

saas-y Ground Motions

Develop a ground-motion suite with ground-motion modification targets for your site in a few easy steps -- implement the Mean-Spectrum Matching. You can start with your own targets, or you can determine them with the integrated processing of the USGS Design Maps and Deaggregation -- all you need to know is your site location and site class. Let the app walk you through all the steps!

Developing a good ground-motion suite requires a few iterations where you start with a wide search and carefully select the optimal individual records. Each iteration takes a token. You can buy the tokens here, or directly on the web site.

You take the app for a test drive with no token. In this case, the app will use a dummy target spectrum.

Once you are ready to purchase a token, you can do it from the app or here.

saas-y Design Maps

This WebApp enables you to extract the USGS Design-Map Values without having to create a web-services call and interpreting the response.

In Development

© 2020 by Silvia Mazzoni, Silvia's Brainery, Santa Monica, CA

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